Camelford to Tiverton
Got onto the road around about 9 AM on my way to Tiverton. Within about an hour I arrived into Devon and was hit with long continuous hill climbs of 2 to 5 miles Long. The countryside was stunning but very hard going with narrow roads and no hard shoulder. One thing is for sure I was glad that the weather had changed in my favour even though the wind was still coming from the NE. I had no rain, little cloud but lots of sunshine. A car pulled up beside and donated £20 and told me that he had done LEJOG 4 years ago. He assured me that Devon was the worst part. Came a cross a fabulous 4 wheel drive Landrover. Arrived into Tiverton around about 10 o’clock and stayed with another couple, Jane and Tim Ryan of warm showers who are lovely hosts and spoiled me, by providing me a wonderful casserole, hot drink, conversation, shower and warm bed.